Guidance and Counseling services are provided by licensed mental health professionals. Students, parents, teachers, and staff may consult with the counselor on a confidential basis. If a student is not feeling happy or successful at school, the counselor may be of help.
Services Provided
- College & career consultation
- Consulting with community members
- Individual counseling sessions with students upon referral
- Small group counseling
- Classroom guidance lessons at teacher request
When a child is referred for counseling services, the counselor will contact the parents/guardians before counseling sessions begin.
Talk with a Counselor
Meet the counselor to discuss any of the following:
- Friendships & Relationships
- Family changes
- Grief issues
- Mistreatment
- Mediation
- Safety concerns (for yourself or others)
Student Dispute Resolutions
While attending New Futures we know there may be times when you have disagreements with other students or staff members that you can’t resolve on your own. To help you with this process, we have mediation available. Please try to speak with your counselor to assist you before it reaches a crisis stage. All counselors are trained in mediation and will help you with the process.
Falling behind, or just need some additional help with your studies? We’re here to help! New Futures offers several forms of additional academic support from accredited teachers. If you're interested, talk to your counselor or teachers.
Contacts and Scheduling
- Melissa Cordes
Phone: (505) 883-5680 ex: 46248
Schedule an appointment with Melissa - Jane Ripple
Phone: (505) 883-5680 ex: 46209
Schedule an appointment with Jane.