APS Student Handbook Links
Additional Downloads
- New Futures Student Handbook (PDF)
- New Futures Child Development and Parenting Center Handbook (PDF)
Report Absences: (505) 883-5680 or complete the Absence Form
- Report each and every absence, either over the phone or online. Parent/guardian must call if the student is under 18.
- If no contact was made to the school explaining the student’s absence, this is an unverified absence and will be considered as a truancy violation.
- For every unverified absence, you will receive a phone call from the school or the district.
- After 9 absences in a 9-week period, you will lose credit in the class. These 9 absences include verified (you reported the absence) or unverified (you did not report the absence).
- Students will be responsible for all missed work during their absence for each class. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for the make up work.
Policy for Students With Less Than Five Absences
If you are absent and want to pick up the missed assignments, you need to call Karin at the front desk. She will contact your teachers and have the work at the front desk at the agreed upon time to be picked up.
Make-Up Work When Absent
It is the student’s responsibility to initiate contact with the school by phone or electronically.
- By Phone: Students can call the front desk and Karin will contact the teachers.
- Electronically: Students can e-mail their teachers directly or email the school at newfutures@aps.edu
- Teacher’s e-mail addresses are available on our Contact page.
Either way, all assignments, materials, and books will be available for pickup at the front desk within 24 hours.
The Caterpillar Room
The Caterpillar room is for students that are coming in late to school and interrupting the educational process that has already taken place within the classrooms. The room will be an In School Suspension (ISS) room as well as a room for students that come to school over 20 minutes late. The students that are up to 10 minutes late will be given a tardy pass and sent to class, but students that come in after that will be sent to ISS where they will stay the remainder of the period.
The students will not be marked absent from their class and will be able to make up work missed. The point of the ISS room is not to be penal, but to make our students responsible for getting to school on time.
Maternity Leave
Maternity leave absences do not count as part of the 9-day rule! Notify the Home Hospital teacher when you deliver. Students are expected to return to school two (2) weeks after delivery. You must make up the class work missed during delivery. You must also bring back verification from a doctor that your infant may be in our nurseries.
Grade changes will be allowed ONLY in the case of maternity leave. Changes can be made up to 10 school days following a student’s expected return from maternity leave.
Cell Phones
You may not use your cell phones during class time anywhere in the school. You may use them during break, passing period, breakfast or lunchtime. If you are caught using your phone during instructional time, the phone will be taken away and locked up until the end of the school day. If problems continue, you will be asked to leave your phone at home.
Closed Campus
New Futures School is a closed campus. It is expected that students arrive on time for school and remain for all classes.
Leaving Campus During the Day
You may leave during the school day for the following approved reasons:
- Medical appointments
- Personal illness or child illness
- Court appointments
- Family emergencies
- Religious commitments
Follow these steps to check out of school:
- The student must wait to be called out of class by the secretary at the front desk.
- Once the secretary releases the student an early release pass will need to be filled out. If a student needs to leave during passing period or lunch, he/she will need to fill out the early release pass from the class that he/she last attended.
- Have the early release pass approved by the secretary at the front desk. If you are under 18 years of age, you will need parent permission to leave campus.
- Check out your baby/toddler from the nursery.
- Sign out at the front desk.
- Students are not allowed to leave early for work. Work hours must be scheduled around the school day. See the counselor if you have scheduling issues.
Student Off-Campus but Child in Childcare
We know there will be times when you may need to attend special events that are school-related and it is best to leave your child in the childcare centers. If mothers are breastfeeding other arrangements must be made. Students can be gone no longer than half a day and must return before lunch. Please make sure that you sign the permission slip (provided by the Childcare Director) to do this. We want to take the best possible care of your child, and your responsibility in this endeavor will help.
Dress Code
Student dress and grooming should reflect high standards of personal conduct so that each student’s attire promotes a positive, safe and healthy atmosphere within the school. Students at New Futures School are expected to dress appropriately at all times. Student dress should be modeled after the work environment.
- Shorts and skirts need to be fingertip length.
- Breasts, buttocks, backs, and bellies need to be covered.
The following clothing is not allowed:
- In-Memory shirts
- Bandanas
- Hats, Skull Caps, Hoodies that worn covering the head
- Items that advertise or depict alcohol, drugs or cigarettes
- Items that promote violence or abusive language
- Sagging Pants – pants must be pulled up and not showing underwear
Consequences for violation of dress code are as follows:
- 1st Offense: Verbal warning and the student will change clothing to remain at school. T-shirts will be available for students.
- 2nd Offense: Student will be sent home to change and parents will be notified.
- 3rd Offense: Student will be sent home to change and parent conference with Principal or Dean of Students will be required.
- 4th Offense: Suspension and parent conference required before student is allowed to return to school.